User-centric, increased performance

Next generation grants management.

We have continued to develop the OmniStar system for clients around Australia over the last 6 months.

In OmniStar Version 4.8, we made significant improvements for existing features for better performance and user experience, in addition to introducing several new features to provide more flexibility and configurability for end users.

Find out how OmniStar can make a difference in your workplace, talk to us today!

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Related Insights

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Changes to the Commonwealth Grant Framework 2024

Media Release

As of 1 October 2024, the Commonwealth Government has replaced the Commonwealth Grants Rules
and Guidelines (CCRGs) with the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Principles (CGRPs). These principles
apply to all non-corporate Commonwealth entities (NCEs). This document applies if you are an official
at a non-corporate Commonwealth entity but is relevant to anyone who wishes to use the CGRPs as a
guide to high-quality grants administration or is interested in OmniStar Grants.

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OmniStar Ethics, the platform for REGIS

We are proud to announce that OmniEthics has been announced the platform for NSW Health’s Research Ethics and Governance Information System (REGIS).

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5 effective best practices for grant project management

Managing resources efficiently, be it for projects or grants, is a complex task; however, when one implements best practices.

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