Centralise your scattered information with Omnistar Ethics

OmniStar Ethics brings information and people together with a single, purpose-built online software solution.

Our software supports good governance with automated workflows and alerts.

Real-time reports and dashboards give you the information you need, now. Get a birds-eye-view or drill-down into the details.

Find out how OmniStar Ethics can help streamline governance and compliance management.

Visualise & automate your processes and get the most out of limited resources.

Streamline and automate workflows for more consistent processes.

Centralise data in one place. Integrate with key corporate systems, so you know your information is reliable and current.

Use SmartForms to collect information digitally to reduce errors.

Support your busy stakeholders by making it easy for them to find and share information.

  • Replace paper forms, spreadsheets, and time-consuming processes
  • Use SmartForms to manage data capture
  • Design re-usable templates for documents, reports, and email
  • Design automated workflows to streamline and improve current business processes
  • Collaborate with their team online
  • Submit, monitor, and share updates about research proposals and site assessments online
  • Save time with a single online application form
  • Receive online notifications when decisions are made, and reminders when milestone reports are coming due.
  • Spend less time checking, with in-built compliance controls
  • Access and review proposals, supporting documents and meeting documents, online
  • Share comments and collaborate with other committee members, anywhere – anytime
  • Sign-off and authorise decisions online.

OmniStar Enforces Ethical Regulations and Compliance Standards

With OmniStar’s Ethics platform, compliance with regulations can be tracked and administered throughout the entire ethics approval process. In fact, the Ethics platform consists of purpose-built workflows used to reduce approval steps as the system determines pathways based on prescribed formulas and logic, which can be tailored to align with the standards researchers choose it to.

Our ethics compliance, risk management and governance SaaS program is designed to help researchers adhere to ethical principles and regulatory requirements in their research practices. In Australia, research ethics is governed by a number of standards and regulations which need to be met to ensure research integrity, ethics and compliance.

OmniStar Ethics can also help your organisation comply with other regulations and standards depending on the researcher’s requirements

If you need to be accountable, you need a trusted solution

Governments, universities, research organisations and hospitals trust OmniStar to manage their research ethics and governance.

These organisations trust Omnistar to assist in their ethics management and compliance


The National Health and Medical Research Council chose OmniStar to revolutionise ethics research applications. Researchers in Australia now submit their human research applications online. HREA has made it easier for human research ethics committees to review and approve applications. Researchers can track their application progress online, anytime.

NSW Health – REGIS

New South Wales Health chose OmniStar for its new Research and Ethics Governance Information System. REGIS standardised ethics and site applications and approvals for human research projects across 26 sites. Researchers can now submit applications to any NSW or ACT public health organisation using a single system.

SA Health – Research GEMS

South Australia Health adopted OmniStar as the state’s new Research Governance Ethics Management System. Online forms have replaced paper forms. Digital workflows streamlined manual processes. Research applicants now submit HREA and SSA forms online. They can monitor the progress of their applications and submit post-approval updates using one system.

Manage risk and improve productivity.

When you have multiple sites or programs to manage, it’s important that your risk management software has an easy way to monitor progress.

  • With the right regulatory software and compliance tools, you can keep an eye on what’s important and receive alerts when you need to take action.
  • With consistent processes and in-built checks, you can be confident that you are complying with relevant guidelines and regulations.
  • If you’re looking for ways to be more productive, it’s helpful to compare activity across sites or departments.
  • With ready access to performance data, you can make better decisions and respond to problems sooner.

With OmniStar, you’ll have peace of mind.

Architecturally Engineered to Empower Users

OmniStar's engineering is innovative in that it can be customised to fit almost any workflow, reporting, templates, triggers or access authorisation, without requiring any code modifications.

What's even more remarkable is that you can handle your own configuration, and most changes can be made by business users without IT assistance. As your business requirements evolve, you can easily modify the configuration within OmniStar, ensuring that your compliance platform remains aligned with your needs and grows alongside your business.

This feature makes OmniStar a suitable solution not only for your organisation currently, but also for the future.

Customise your dashboards and landing pages with helpful graphs and tables

Know what’s going on, with real-time reports to share or export.
Manage risk with alerts of adverse events, and reminders when reports are due.

National Health & Medical Research Council

NHMRC implemented OmniStar Ethics, offering users a streamlined experience. OmniStar Ethics facilitates integration with external systems. This system is known as Human Research Ethics Application (HREA). The uptake of HREA is significantly higher compared with the previous system. We are told HREA is a resounding success; usage statistics support this claim.

We’ve worked closely with experts to make ethics administration and governance easy for everyone

Drawing from the NHMRC Research and Governance Handbook: For the National Approach to a single ethical review.

You can use OmniStar Ethics for any type of Ethics

Ethics Journey

Benefits of OmniStar for Human Research Ethics Applications

  • User administration overheads are reduced through self-registration, resulting in more efficient management of users.
  • The system provides a solution for anonymous users, increasing the system's adoption rate.
  • The built-in CRM allows users to create and maintain profiles, minimising data entry and improving data accuracy.
  • The in-built data warehouse provides exceptional reporting and data visualisation functionality.
  • Collaboration is facilitated by allowing multiple users to work on the same application, enhancing the quality of applications.
  • Exporting forms in various digital formats enables their use in different contexts such as Board Papers, Annual Reports, websites, and external stakeholder reporting.
  • Administration time is reduced as applications are submitted digitally, eliminating the need for re-keying application information.
  • The system generates a feedback loop to optimise the forms' efficiency by reporting on fields' usage.
  • The application experience is improved with intuitive and user-friendly SmartForms that decrease errors and effort.
  • The system's Software-as-a-Service approach aligns with the Commonwealth Government's digital direction.

Navigating Ethics in Research

Ensuring ethical research practices is critical in any organisation, regardless of its size or industry. Utilising compliance and risk management software can help navigate ethics complexities to achieve this goal. A smart compliance management system, such as an ethics management system, can provide tools for compliance monitoring and tracking.

OmniStar Ethics Logo OmniStar Ethics Logo

Flexible, trusted and secure

Take control of research ethics administration and governance. Adapt and grow with OmniStar’s flexible, no-code ethics and compliance solution.

Keeps you and your data safe with ASD level security

Strict access control with user-group permissions, single-sign-on, and multifactor authentication make sure data and decision-making are restricted to authorised users.

Keeps auditors happy with full audit history

Comprehensive, system-wide, tamper-proof audit logs and version control.

Simplifies proposals with HREA and ORCID integration

Standard implementation includes HREA (Human Research Ethics Application), ORCID integration.

Reduces double handling with open standard integration

Engineered with open standards, OmniStar integrates with financial, human resource and document management systems, Office365, and many more.

Support when you need it

Guaranteed ongoing customer service, training and support from Canberra-based company of 25 years.

Customisable and adaptable cloud solution

  • Secure AWS cloud platform
  • Custom branding
  • Simple licensing structure
  • WCAG 2.0 Level AA compliant

The University of Western Australia

The University of Western Australia (UWA) implemented OmniStar Research to support the administration of grant funds and enable compliance across the entire ethics review process when conducting animal research, human participant research, and biosafety research (Genetically Modified Organisms and biohazardous material). The Ethics component included built in analytics which collected performance metrics that informed evidence-based decisions and encouraged governance backed by transparency and visibility.

See OmniStar in action at ARMS 2024

F1 Solutions is a proud member of ARMS (the Australasian Research Management Society). Each year we work closely with ARMS to bring the latest innovation and ethics solutions to the ARMS Annual Conference and demonstrate how research and ethics integration can help save researchers time and bring rich insights to the research, ethics and grant management process. Book a demo to meet us at ARMS 2024 and find out how OmniStar Ethics can simplify your work.

Frequently asked questions

Ethics compliance software is a type of software or SaaS program that helps organisations ensure that they are adhering to ethical standards and regulations. It typically includes tools for monitoring and managing compliance-related activities, such as policy development, training, incident reporting, and auditing. Ethics compliance software is important because it helps organisations avoid legal and reputational risks, promotes ethical behaviour among employees and stakeholders, and demonstrates their commitment to ethical standards.

Choosing the right ethics compliance software for your organisation depends on a variety of factors, such as your industry, size, budget, and specific compliance needs. Some key features to look for when evaluating ethics compliance software include automated policy management and distribution, customisable compliance workflows, integrated training and awareness tools, real-time monitoring and reporting capabilities, and the ability to integrate with other systems and data sources. It's also important to consider factors such as vendor reputation, customer support, and data security when selecting an ethics compliance software provider.

Ethics compliance software can help organisations manage risks related to data privacy and cybersecurity in several ways. For example, it can provide tools for tracking and reporting on data privacy compliance activities, such as data inventory and classification, data access and sharing controls, and incident response planning. It can also help organisations stay up to date with evolving cybersecurity threats and regulations, by providing automated risk assessments, vulnerability scans, and threat intelligence feeds. Additionally, many ethics compliance software providers offer built-in data security features, such as encryption, access controls, and secure data storage, to help organisations protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorised access or breaches.

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Human Research Ethics Application

In 2016, The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia, developed a new ethics application form which completely revolutionised the way in which research data is collected in human research tests.

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OmniStar Ethics, the platform for REGIS

We are proud to announce that OmniEthics has been announced the platform for NSW Health’s Research Ethics and Governance Information System (REGIS).

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Managing your ethics review panels

Managing ethics review panels can be a difficult & complex task. Add to that the need to manage the meetings, decisions and communication and the task can be complicated and time-consuming.

Discover all the things you can do with OmniStar

Speak with us about how we can help solve your ethics and governance challenges with OmniStar Ethics.