Sunway University
OmniStar Ethics tailored the system to align with Sunway University’s unique needs, wants and budget.

Trusted by industry leading organisations
What Is Grants Management and Why It Is Important
Managing grants efficiently is critical to ensuring that the money is used appropriately and results in positive community impact. To get the most out of grant funds, they need to be managed closely.
4 Effective Grantmaking Strategies
Grants Designing a grant program is undeniably complex and requires time and thoughtfulness. Learn about some of the important steps to consider when designing your grantmaking strategy.
What is the Grant Management Lifecyle? Key Steps Involved
Grant management is a complex and lengthy process and following a well-designed grant management process proves highly beneficial when giving out grants.
6 Steps on How to Start and Design a Grant Program
A well-designed grant program helps you mitigate the risk associated with a poorly design grant program. Find out some of the key steps to consider when designing your grant program.
How to Grow Your Research Program (4 Tips to Secure Funding)
A close understanding of the funding landscape combined with a strategic approach can boost your chances of success of securing long-term research funding.
9 Best Practices For A Successful Grantmaking
With a grants management solution built on grant-making best practices, grant managers like you, can expect improvements in several aspects of your grant-making. These include productivity improvements from more efficient grant application and assessment processes, and better alignment of your grant programs with your organisation’s objectives.
Changes to the Commonwealth Grant Framework 2024
Media ReleaseAs of 1 October 2024, the Commonwealth Government has replaced the Commonwealth Grants Rules
and Guidelines (CCRGs) with the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Principles (CGRPs). These principles
apply to all non-corporate Commonwealth entities (NCEs). This document applies if you are an official
at a non-corporate Commonwealth entity but is relevant to anyone who wishes to use the CGRPs as a
guide to high-quality grants administration or is interested in OmniStar Grants.
Human Research Ethics Application
In 2016, The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia, developed a new ethics application form which completely revolutionised the way in which research data is collected in human research tests.