About the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF)

The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is Australia's leading not-for-profit organisation funding world-class breast cancer research towards its vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer. NBCF facilitates a world-class meritorious peer-review system that invites scientists and clinicians from across the country to apply to NBCF’s annual grant scheme. This involves independent and rigorous assessment of each application, with external assessment from national scientists, clinician researchers and those who have been directly affected by a breast cancer diagnosis.

NBCF, on average, receives 90 grant applications each year and invites around 50 scientific and clinical expert reviewers, along with a panel of about 14 consumer advisors, to assess each application. This requires a sophisticated management solution to streamline the grant application, assessment, approval and reporting process.

The Challenge

NBCF required a comprehensive system that could rationalise the processing of multiple forms and documents associated with NBCF’s grant application scheme, from the pre-award stage through to the post-award stage. Previously, NBCF used separate systems for the pre-award and post-award impact reporting processes as well as a third internal system for capturing financial information. This was complicated for both internal grants administration and for external applicants and reviewers who had to use two separate systems for the different stages.

NBCF required a system that:

  • Manages pre-award and post-award processes in one system
  • Is user-friendly for internal and external users
  • Is configurable to their specific needs
  • Can automate processes
  • Has the ability to easily view the different stages of the granting process
  • Streamlines the process of submitting and reviewing forms and reports

“OmniStar had the ability to combine our three systems into one to make everything easier from an administration perspective but also from an applicant and reviewer perspective. The user interface is something applicants are familiar and comfortable using, which is important to us because we want the process to be as easy as possible to free up time for applicants to focus on their research. We care about zero deaths from breast cancer, we don’t want our applicants or grantees spending all their time submitting and reviewing forms.” - Associate Professor Samantha Oakes – Director, Research Investment, National Breast Cancer Foundation

The Solution

OmniStar provided NBCF with the ability to streamline its three different management systems into one user-friendly solution. Its accessible interface and intelligent system has allowed NBCF to simplify its grant application, reporting and reviewing processes. This has allowed NBCF and its collaborators to focus their energy on their research goals.

Thanks to OmniStar's unique capability to build and integrate advanced custom features, NBCF was able to create a calculator for measuring the career disruption that might come from applicants taking extended leave due to parental obligations or illness. This automated the process of calculating career categories, which greatly of determining appropriate salary levels and streamlined the eligibility checking process.

The flexibility of OmniStar also means that as NBCF seeks to further improve, streamline, and automate its granting processes the platform can easily be adapted to meet their new needs.

With OmniStar, NBCF has been able to rationalise three management systems into a singular platform, allowing them to improve their processes and focus more of their resources on their research goal of zero deaths from breast cancer.

The Benefits

Complete solution

Rationalised multiple elements of grant management across the research lifecycle into one cohesive solution, including funding and pre-award to post-award grant management.

Improved accessibility

Improved accessibility for internal and external users with a user-friendly interface that saves time and reduces strain on administrative resources.

Automated processes

Automated grant and review processes have freed up resources for accomplishing organisational goals.

Streamlined submissions

Streamlined the process external collaborators follow for submitting reports and reviews by collating multiple platforms into one user-friendly portal.

Simplified administration

Features were custom built for unique administrative needs, simplifying complex and labour-intensive processes.

Enhanced visibility

Enhanced visibility of the progress of research projects, with improved data management and real-time dashboards that can visualise the full research lifecycle.

Enhanced personalisation

Organisation-specific features were incorporated, allowing for more accurate and streamlined data collection and management. The enhanced flexibility of the management solution keeps options open for further changes as organisational processes evolve.

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DNRME needed an improved grants management system and set of processes to meeting the desired level of service, probity and adherence to legislation.

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Cancer Institute New South Wales Case Study

CINSW selected OmniStar Grants as their innovations platform to administer and manage their research grants program.

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Soil CRC implemented OmniStar Grants to boost performance, flexibility, adaptability and engagement.

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NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Case Study

DPIE needed a contemporary grants management system to address existing limitations in their grant application, approval and management processes.

Experience OmniStar

Arrange for a demo to see OmniStar in action and speak with our expert team today about how we can help you reimagine grants, ethics and research.